A cube in Wisła. This is how the Beskid Ski Centre is to look like

The Wisła Town Hall has announced that the Adam Małysz Beskid Ski Centre will soon be built in the town. Conceptual visualisations showed a cube building. Not everyone liked the building.

The Adam Małysz Beskid Ski Centre is to replace the deteriorating park hall building in the city centre. On Friday, 23 August 2024, an agreement was signed for the realisation of the task entitled ‘Superstructure and reconstruction of the existing service building and land development, i.e. construction of building facilities connected with the building of the ‘Adam Małysz Beskidzki Ski Centre in Wisła’.

The most favourable offer for the construction of the facility was submitted by INSTAL Cymorek Sp. z o.o. from Kiczyce. The value of the planned works is nearly PLN 13.5 million. The Beskidzkie Ski Centre is to be a new impulse for the city’s development. The authorities would like the facility to attract new tourists to Wisła. Not only fans of Adam Małysz.

Today the trophies that Adam Małysz has won are presented in the “Adam Małysz Sports Trophies” Gallery at 48a 1 Maja Street. Here you can see the statuettes that the famous ski jumper won during the Olympic Games or the World Championships. After the construction of the Beskid Ski Centre, the trophies are to go to the new facility.

Construction of the facility is expected to take 14 months. As part of the first phase, a two-storey ski centre building will be constructed, with finishing and furnishing to follow in the second phase. The city is implementing the investment with the support of funds from the European Funds for Silesia 2021-2027 programme, the level of funding is 85 per cent.

The conceptual design of the building presented by the city did not arouse much enthusiasm among residents. In the comments under the post about the new investment on the city’s Facebook fanpage, we can read opinions critical of the building’s appearance. Internet users note that the proposed ‘cube’ does not match the Vistula River and the character of the city.

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source: Municipality of Wisła

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