The investment will be carried out in the Wola area as part of the CPK. The new railway tunnel will be part of the High-Speed Railway, which will connect Warsaw with the CPK, Łódź, Wrocław and Poznań.
The construction of the Central Communication Port will consume more than PLN 130 billion. Most of this amount will be spent on rail transport. The timetable for the construction of the CPK assumes that a tunnel almost 10 km long will be built in Odolany in Warsaw by 2032. Trains will go underground just behind the West Railway Station.
The railway tunnel will be excavated in a similar way to the construction of the metro and will reach a depth of up to 30 metres underground. Maciej Lasek, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Government Plenipotentiary for CPK, said that the decision to build the tunnel is a new element in relation to the CPK project concept, which was prepared by the previous government. Originally, trains from Warsaw to the new airport would have reached the airport using mainly the current infrastructure and a connecting line to the railway line in the Brwinów area. This would have made the journey time longer. Thanks to the tunnel, it will be shorter.
The High Speed Railway in Poland will be based on the so-called ‘Y’ line. The line will connect Warsaw, Łódź and then split into routes to Poznań and Wrocław. Trains along the new route are expected to reach speeds of up to 350 km/h.
There are to be many railway investments in the coming years. Some of them are already underway. These include a 4.6-kilometre-long tunnel being dug underneath Łódź. The High Speed Railway station in Brzeziny will also be built (we wrote about this HERE).
In total, the new railway tunnel in Warsaw is to be 9.7 km long, so it will be the longest railway tunnel in Poland.
source: CPK
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