Architectural Award of the Mayor of the City of Warsaw. New edition launched

You can now submit your favourite buildings, places and events that should win the Architecture Award of the Mayor of the City of Warsaw. Anyone can submit entries. The proposals will then be assessed by the organisers, who will announce the buildings nominated for the award. The competition is open to projects completed in 2024. The Architectural Award will be granted in several categories, and the winners will be announced in June.

Each of the past editions of the competition has been an opportunity to discuss what 21st century Warsaw should look like and how architecture affects the quality of life in our city. That is why, as a local government, we focus on creating places that are comfortable, accessible and friendly to all residents. We also do not forget about climate challenges, which is why we pay special attention to architectural projects that combine exceptional architecture with good ecological solutions. I am curious to see what entries will be submitted for judging in this year’s competition. We look forward to receiving your proposals! – emphasises Rafał Trzaskowski, Mayor of Warsaw.

Residents of the capital can already submit their favourite buildings, public spaces, events or publications about architecture.

I am very happy that together we can choose places or events where we feel good on a daily basis and want to return there. Importantly, the competition also allows investors, design teams, event organisers and publishers to show off their achievements and projects, ” says Renata Kaznowska, deputy mayor of the capital city of Warsaw

One of the winners will be chosen by the city’s inhabitants – in the form of a plebiscite planned for late April and early May. The winners will be announced in June.


Winners of the 10th Architectural Award of the Mayor of the City of Warsaw (2024):

  • Grand Prix, award for pro-environmental solutions and award in the public space design category – “Storm” Action Park on Bartycka Street, authors: Archigrest, topoScape, investor: Zarząd Zieleni Warszawy;
  • Public utility architecture and award for accessibility solutions – Library in Choszczówka, 6 Kłosowa St., authors: Ambient, investor: Office of the District of Białołęka in Warsaw;
  • Public utility architecture – Museum of the Polish Army, Plac Gwardii Pieszej Koronnej, designers: WXCA, investor: Museum of the Polish Army;
  • Residential architecture – Dom Matki Bożej Serdecznej, 10 Foliałowa Street, authors: XYstudio, investor: Bread of Life Community Homes Foundation;
  • New life of buildings – BRDA Foundation: OKNO and BUDO projects, organiser: BRDA Foundation;
  • Architectural Event – Zgruzowstanie Warszawy 1945-1949. Exhibition and book, curator: Adam Przywara, cooperation: Katarzyna Jolanta Górska, organiser: Museum of Warsaw
  • Residents’ Award – Socio-Cultural Quarter Emilii Plater 29-31, organiser: Komuna Warszawa Theatre.

The organiser of the competition and sponsor of the award is the Mayor of the City of Warsaw. The prize is awarded in cooperation with: Warsaw Branch of the Association of Polish Architects, the Mazovian Regional Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland and the Warsaw Branch of the Society of Polish Town Planners.

The best projects and events can be submitted via form available at Submissions are being collected until 9 February.

source: press materials

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