projekt: Magdalena Anzorge-Kurkowska

Best student diplomas in the “Young Interior Designers” competition

The ‘Young Interior Designers’ competition recognises the best graduation projects by students of the Department of Interior Design at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts in Poznań. The works will be on display during an exhibition that will run from 8 to 19 November in Stary Browar in Poznań

The official announcement of the results will take place during the exhibition opening on 7 November 2023 at 6 p.m. The event will take place in Malt House 1 in Stary Browar in Poznan. The exhibition itself will be open to the public from 8 to 19 November from 12:00 to 20:00 and can be visited every day except Mondays

The ‘Young Interior Designers’ competition was open to UAP graduates of the Faculty of Interior Design and Scenography. The diploma projects submitted were created under the guidance of the School’s supervisors and promoters. The works of the young designers concern living and working spaces. The proposed concepts often present innovative solutions and bold visions to make the designed spaces environmentally friendly and fully functional. Interestingly, from next year the ‘Young Interior Designers’ competition will be organised on a nationwide basis. It will be open not only to students of Poznań’s universities

“Young Interior Designers” Competition – Best Diplomas of the Department of Interior Design 2023

During the exhibition you can see the projects prepared by

JOANNA WOŹNIAK “Perception of vision and the chance to find inner peace. Project of interior architecture of a calming character in the space of Okrąglak in Poznań.”

project: Joanna Woźniak

ŁUKASZ WOLNIAK “Interior where I meet death. The design of a funerary space in the Syropiarnia building in Luboń.”

project: Łukasz Wolniak

MAGDALENA ANZORGE-KURKOWSKA – Architecture of well-being. Interior design of a molar-line building in Wrocław in the context of lyophilic design”

project: Magdalena Anzorge-Kurkowska

ALEKSANDRA MATUSIAK-KASEJA – Sense versus form. Design of a sensory kindergarten in the building of the New Gasworks in Poznań.”

project: Aleksandra Matusiak-Kaseja

SZREDER NATALIA – On the horizon of life. Revitalisation of the former sanatorium in Gdynia-Orłowo for a palliative care centre.”

project: Natalia Szreder

KLAUDIA KUNTY – “A place of respite. Adaptation of the interiors of the palace in Żegocin for a centre for carers of the sick.”

project: Klaudia Kunty

WERONIKA ZBOINSKA – “The beauty of imagination. Exploring the ruins of Świecie castle.”

project: Weronika Zboinska

ADAMCZYK LAURA – Functional Abstraction.Aspace for neurodiverse people.”

project: Laura Adamczyk

AGNIESZKA GRODECKA – “Assisting interiors in the process of re-socialisation. On the example of the Youth Sociotherapy Centre in Chodzież.”

project: Agnieszka Grodecka

KAROLINA MISS – ‘Repair shop’ – adaptation of a warehouse building located at 4 Robocza Street in Poznań into a furniture restoration workshop.”

project: Karolina Miś

VICTORIA TEREK – “How to survive? Bees at the heart of the ecosystem. Interior adaptation project of the Building. Fair Building of the Old Slaughterhouse in Poznań.”

project: Wiktoria Terek

MAJA SOSZYŃSKA – “Temple of the soul. A place of contemplation on an island in Lake Swarzędz.”

project: Maja Soszyńska

ALICJA NALIKOWSKA – “A trace in architecture. The ruins of the Swina Castle as a context for new spaces of deepening perception and experience.”

project: Alicja Nalikowska

KAROLINA BORUSZEWSKA – “Space and the senses. Exhibition design for the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Interior Design and Scenography of the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts in Poznań.”

project: Karolina Boruszewska

Competition partners: Competition: Mo Group, ZAJC kitchens, Stary Browar, whiteMAD, A&B Architecture & Business. The author of the winning entry will win a financial prize of PLN 5,000. For the winner of the second place there will be a prize of PLN 3 thousand, and the author of the distinguished project will receive a prize of PLN 1 thousand

source: UAP

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“Young Interior Designers” Competition – Best Diplomas of the Department of Interior Design 2023

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