źródło: Fabryka Pełna Życia

Dąbrowa Górnicza: Factory Full of Life at the site of the former plant

For residents, it will be a completely new experience. The Full Life Factory will be built on the site of the former Defum plant. The company realising the investment has obtained funding and the contract for the construction of the building has just been signed.

In just a few years, the site is to become the new centre of Dąbrowa Górnicza. The company Fabryka Pełna Życia received funding of PLN 78 million from the Fund for Equitable Transformation. The city of Dąbrowa Górnicza set aside PLN 13 million for the project. Thanks to the investment, a sizeable city quarter is to gain a new face.

The investment has been divided into several stages. The first will involve the construction of rainwater collection and utilisation systems. A green walkway and a rain garden will be built, and the former assembly hall will once again become vibrant. The plan is to create a space with universal functionality in the former hall, with space for conferences, trade fairs, concerts and office work.

The construction of the Full Life Factory is the largest revitalisation project in the city. The project divides the facility into several parts. The Tworzeń Hall will function as a conference, trade fair and concert hall. Its roof will be covered with greenery. The northern part of the facility is designed as a hall for theatre, music and art workshops.

The next module (B7) is a four-storey modern office and training building. It will be directly adjacent to the Tworzeń Hall. It is planned to house a Senior and Intergenerational Integration Centre and a Civic Activity Centre. The building will use environmentally friendly solutions, including photovoltaic panels and a heat pump.

One of the halls of the Dąbrowa Obrabiarek Ponar-Defum factory, photo: Arro, wikimedia.org, licence: CC BY-SA 3.0

The investment is expected to be completed by 2026.

Last year, the Full Life Factory company submitted yet another application to the Fund for Equitable Transformation – for a grant of PLN 27 million. These funds will allow the completion of all the public spaces of the new centre and the revitalisation of a further 3 historic halls. One of these will be the Ząbkowice Hall with a catering and service function.

The Dąbrowa Ponar-Defum Machine Tool Factory named after Stanisław Krzynówek is a plant where metalworking machines were manufactured. The history of the facility dates back to the 1870s, when a locksmith’s and shoemaker’s workshop began operating at the site. The plant was decommissioned in 2015.

source: Fabryka Pełna Życia

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