Footbridge in Dobczyce. Unique path next to the dam

A pedestrian and bicycle bridge from the dam to the Castle Hill in Dobczyce was built according to a design by the Lewicki Łatak Design Studio, commissioned by the Dobczyce Municipality. The crude construction has become an attractive path to admire nature.

The new footbridge in Dobczyce connected the crown of the dam of the Raba reservoir with the Castle Hill. Previously, the path along the dam ended in a square, but now walkers gained a new way to get to the hill.

The architects divided the footbridge into two parts – for pedestrians and cyclists. The first one straight and almost horizontally joins the existing path leading to the hill. The cycling part also starts straight ahead and then becomes curvilinear with a sloping surface. This division has resulted in a single-span structure for the pedestrian section and a two-span structure for the cycling section.

When designing the structure, the architects wanted it to become part of the landscape. Its location between the reservoir and the hill with its topography, vegetation, the ruins of the medieval castle and the rocky landscape made the designers give it an austere appearance. It is dark, unobtrusive and has become a backdrop to its surroundings. Its form seems to combine a contemporary, majestic dam with historic buildings.


The result is a pedestrian and cycle bridge that is part of a cycle route enriched with pedestrian traffic, and which is embedded in the local path system, adapting functionally to the natural environment and artefacts with its shape and material. Both as a usable and viewed object.

The footbridge is one of several structures in Poland to have been entered for the European Union Prize in the Mies van der Rohe Contemporary Architecture Competition. In total, the construction of the footbridge cost PLN 2,187,384.00.

photos: Juliusz Sokołowski(

design: Design Office Lewicki Łatak

author collaboration: Marek Sanecki, Mateusz Manecki, Olga Dobrzyńska, Piotr Łatak

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