Free classifieds – how to sell a used smartphone safely?

Modern smartphones are multifunctional devices that can successfully serve us for many years. Therefore, after buying a new phone, it is worth considering where to sell an older model. Used phones quickly find new buyers, even if their technical condition leaves a lot to be desired. You can conveniently publish a free ad for the sale of a smartphone on

Buying a used phone is an excellent alternative for people who do not want to spend a lot of money, but at the same time need a well-equipped device to communicate with the world. In this case, customers look for a device in good condition or decide to buy a damaged model and repair it cheaply. How to create an attractive ad for the sale of a smartphone? Here are some tips!

Where to sell a used phone?

Selling things online is associated with a certain risk. You may come across a person who, after receiving your phone, will not want to pay for it. Some people may also use your personal details in the ad to extort money from you. That is why it is a good idea to add your adverts on a reliable portal that has a good reputation among users.

Such a place is, for example, On the portal you can publish a free ad for the sale of a smartphone in just a few minutes without registering an account. The rules of the portal are clear and transparent, and the administrators take care of the safety of users on an ongoing basis. You can attach photos to your free ad and assign it to a specific category without any problems. This way, people interested in buying a smartphone will quickly find your ad and will be able to contact you conveniently.

Selling a smartphone online – what should I bear in mind?

We use our smartphones not only to make phone calls, but also to pay for purchases and run many everyday errands. If you want to sell your phone safely, you should delete all important apps and data from it, such as passwords, account numbers or photos. The easiest way to wipe your phone is to restore factory data. When you select this option, all your saved data will be automatically deleted from the phone’s memory.

A used smartphone may run slower or have visible scratches and cracks. When writing the content of your free ad, do not forget to describe the technical condition of your phone in detail. In this way, you will avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

What furniture and accessories can be found on adverts? Find out!

With free adverts you can sell your old phone quickly and you won’t have to pay any extra fees. As a result, you will save a lot of time and gain an extra cash injection in a short period of time. If you want to be sure that your personal data is safe, use the offer of the portal, where you can easily place an ad and efficiently complete the transaction.

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