Such luminous markings could improve visibility on the road and have a positive impact on safety. Tarmac Linemarking has been working on this solution for several years. A test stretch of road shows how the lanes glow at night.
A team of specialists brought together by Tarmac Linemarking, OmniGrip and Vic Roads have been working on the design of the glowing markings. They have created durable stripes that, when placed on the road, resemble a standard paint job during the day and turn into a luminous avenue at night.
A stretch of Metung Road in the south-eastern part of the state of Victoria was selected for testing. The stretch is devoid of traditional lampposts, so it proved to be an ideal stretch. How do the lanes work? Photoluminescence was used to achieve the desired effect. This is a type of luminescence that is caused by the absorption of electromagnetic, ultraviolet or infrared radiation. The energy that goes into the strips during the day is released at night. It is a solution that everyone is familiar with for children’s toys.
The initiative to create luminescent signage is one of dozens of state government projects where organisations can count on public funding to research and develop innovative ideas that positively impact safety.
So far, the luminous markings have not been implemented on a larger scale. There is still a long … way to go for the team of researchers. Their invention must win numerous patents in order to be released for production.
photos: Tarmac Linemarking
source: Auto Veteran
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