Green revolution in Poznań’s Jeżyce district. Church Street is getting closer to being rebuilt

In Jeżyce – a district of Poznań known for its dense buildings and limited greenery, the area of the inner oval in the area of Kościelna Street stands out as one of the few larger areas with vegetation. Although it serves as an important green enclave, the site nevertheless needs to be revitalised to realise its full potential. The city has advanced design work that will result in Church Street becoming a friendly and attractive meeting place.

Currently, there is a car park on the chaotic site, which occupies valuable space that could become a biologically active area. Until recently, there was also a petrol station there, but this has been removed. For many years, the Jeżyce Housing Estate Council, in cooperation with the City’s Project Coordination and Revitalisation Office, has been striving to tidy up the site. The areas to be developed include both green spaces and a strip separating the Halina Szwarc square from the Maria Paradowska square, by a section of St. Wawrzyniec Street.

According to the local development plan, the aim is to create a green space that works in harmony with the needs of the local community. In 2022, the Project Coordination Office approved the redevelopment project at the request of the Estate Council. At the beginning of 2023, a tender was issued for the development of three concepts for the development of the space and the preparation of a construction and detailed design based on the selected option. The project involves not only an increase in green space, but also solutions to promote natural rainwater retention. Among other things, it envisages the removal of the car park from the oval area, which will be carried out by the Property Management Department.

The key idea of the project is to create a functional green space that will link the traffic routes with places for recreation, rest and meetings. The space will be equipped with lighting, small architectural objects and a variety of vegetation, creating a ‘green corridor’ linking the Jeżycki Market with Sołacki Park. In addition, the project envisages the use of a hybrid rainwater retention system, including underground retention tanks, pumping stations, retention-infiltration basins and plant passages.

Ulica Kościelna

Work on the project is expected to be completed in the second half of 2024, with construction works scheduled to commence in 2025. Implementation depends on the availability of funds, taking into account the possibility of obtaining European funding. However, at this stage the project is not yet fully finalised and final decisions are subject to change. The new Church Street therefore represents a dynamic undertaking to transform this space into a place that is conducive to residents and the environment.

Source: Poznań City Hall / Office for Coordination of Projects and Urban Redevelopment

Read also: Poznań | City | Green | Metamorphosis | whiteMAD on Instagram

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