It is 2 km long. New linear park in Warsaw

A linear park has been built along Rudnickiego, Perzyńskiego and Podczaszyńskiego streets in Warsaw. The site has already been made available to residents. However, this is not the end of the work, additional trees will be planted in the autumn.

The work has been going on since last year. In the first instance, the road infrastructure was rebuilt, the carriageways were renewed, the pavements were rebuilt and the cycle paths were laid out. Now the Warsaw City Roads Authority is reporting on the greenery arrangement work.

The planting of greenery at the site already started in 2023. At that time, 61 new trees, shrubs and perennials were planted. This year, work on the park was completed. A total of 2,000 square metres was covered with shrubs. There was also a ribbon of perennials covering 700 sq m and an equal area of low and tall grasses.

The linear park will still be completed with trees. 157 trees and 45 solitary shrubs will be planted.

Among the species chosen are maples, poplars, lime trees and multi-trunk cherry trees. We could not plant them immediately, the nursery stock is dug up after the leaves have fallen. The trees will still appear this autumn,” informs the Warsaw City Roads Authority.

The creation of the park and the planting of honey-giving plants here is to influence the ecosystem. Special houses have been installed for the insects. Tall trees will provide shade on hot days, purify the air and reduce noise. An interesting feature is a section of pavement, the course of which conflicted with a growing tree. The pavement was routed next to the tree so as not to cut it down.

The planting of so much greenery was made possible by rebuilding the entire route. This is how we created the necessary space. When designing the trees, we were limited by the presence of the gas network. There are no particular restrictions for other underground infrastructure. For this reason, we have planted almost 3,500 square metres of shrubs, perennials, grasses and the aforementioned trees in the lane,” addthe road engineers.

The appearance of the linear park was influenced by the residents themselves. A public consultation was organised in 2017, which also included Rudnickiego Street. On the basis of these, a concept for changes to the street was created.

There will be more similar parks in Warsaw. ZDM is working on two more – on Suwak Street and on the tunnel of the Warsaw Southern Ring Road. The construction of the first one is nearing completion, while the second one started in spring this year.

source: Warsaw City Roads Authority(

Read also: Places, Squares, Parks | Warsaw | Metamorphosis | whiteMAD on Instagram

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