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New Old Market in Słupsk. Reconstruction in progress!

The residents have been waiting for its metamorphosis for many years. The Old Market Square in Słupsk is finally changing. Instead of a huge car park, residents are to gain an attractive space for relaxation, which will bring a new quality to the centre. But will the project live up to the expectations of future users?

The project of changes was presented by the Board of Municipal Infrastructure in Slupsk. The plan is to change the entire area of the Old Market Square and create zones for relaxation. The place is to cease to be a ‘frying pan’, a space devoid of greenery, which is not a pleasant place to be in the summer because of the high temperature. The downside of the market was also its parking function. In a few months, such stories are supposed to be just a memory.

As part of the modernisation of the Old Market, construction work will be carried out on the Old Market Square, part of Grodzka Street, part of Nowobramska Street and part of Zamenhofa Street, including the following. it includes, among others: the construction of the floor of the Old Market Square with a fountain, greenery planting, construction of elements of small architectural forms – benches, seats, waste bins and modular canopies in the northern and western part of the square, as well as the construction of area lighting in the form of ground-based luminaires and street lamps, including the illumination of seats, trees and canopies – inform the officials.

The new urban furniture will be complemented by greenery. Will there be enough of it? Residents want to avoid the ‘concrete’ effect and the change from one heated ‘pan’ to another. The city ensures that the amount of new greenery will avoid this impression. Seven small-leaved lime trees, ten red maples and five hawthorns will be planted. In addition, 200 shrubs, 200 perennials and almost two thousand bulbous plants will be planted.

Redevelopment area

The redevelopment work is expected to cost £20 million, of which 12 million will come from government funding. The redevelopment of the market is being carried out by Strabag.

The image change of the Market Square is also to be ensured by a planned developer investment. The plan is that the supermarket operating in the former Millennium cinema will disappear from the landscape. The cinema building is to be demolished and replaced by a modern mixed-use complex to be used by all residents.

The building was designed by architects from the Polish-Belgian Architecture Studio. The building would become the cultural heart of the city. Inside, there are plans for a hotel, an auditorium, a brewery, a brewing museum, restaurants, cafés, shops and offices. The 6-storey building would become the dominant feature of this part of the city. The project includes green terraces on the roof and an underground car park with a hundred parking spaces. The construction of the complex would cost PLN 150 million and would be completed in 2027. Before this happens, the former Millennium cinema would have to disappear from the landscape. You can see a visualisation of the changes in the video below:

This time we have two questions. The first concerns the planned amount of greenery in the Market Square:

Jak oceniasz ilość planowanej zieleni na przebudowanym Rynku?

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The second question concerns the Millennium Cinema:

Czy warto wyburzyć dawne kino, by zbudować tu nowy kompleks?

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source: Słupsk Revitalisation, Słupsk City Hall

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