fot. Paweł Mazur, Zdjęcia architektury –

The best example of postmodernism in Poland. Resurrectionist Seminary

The Higher Theological Seminary of the Resurrectionist Fathers in Krakow is one of the most outstanding examples of postmodern architecture in Poland. Built in the 1990s, the building is like a fascinating story written by an architect. Numerous details and seemingly superfluous solutions captivate today.

The colourful Seminary building was designed by Dariusz Kozłowski in collaboration with Maria Misiągiewicz and Wacław Stefański. Its construction began in 1985. Due to financial constraints, the building was not completed until 1993.

Until recently, Wrocław’s Solpol could be considered the best example of Polish postmodernism. Now that the building has been demolished, this is the title given to the complex of the Higher Seminary of the Resurrectionist Fathers in Krakow. Of course, this is only a subjective impression of the author of this text. However, there is no other such exceptional building in Poland with so many postmodernist features.

The Resurrectionist Fathers’ seminary has all the elements typical of a traditional monastic establishment. There is a church, a refectory, residential buildings and teaching rooms. However, the foundation was created in a unique form. There are gates, fragments reminiscent of theatre décor, courtyards and towers. The whole is hidden behind a concrete wall, which is covered with creepers. All these elements give the place a mysterious, spiritual aura.

Entering the Seminary grounds, we find ourselves on the Way of the Spirit. The path continues along the Way of the Four Gates: Initiation, Hope, Knowledge, Faith. The former includes the Courtyard of Desires and the Gardener’s House. All around is a landscape reminiscent of elements of theatre. It is a decoration whose sole purpose is to build a mood. The Gate of Hope begins with the House of Youth. The entrance to the centre was created in the characteristic ‘crack’ of the openwork wall. This wall obscures the facade of the brick building and is distinguished by arched window openings. Behind the door, a path leads to the right and left. On the right, the architects designed the chapter hall, church, refectory and living quarters. On the left, on the other hand, the library, archive, assembly hall and also the living area on the upper floors. The wings wrap around the Courtyard of Youth built on a trapezoidal plan.

photo by Paweł Mazur, Architecture photos –

The entire establishment has acquired a wealth of symbolism. Each of the designed elements can be subjected to interpretation, to find a spiritual meaning. This was a deliberate effort on the part of the architects, who even poetically described the building they had designed. The Higher Theological Seminary of the Resurrectionist Fathers captivates with its unique treatments. The colourful plasterwork, the false ruins, the raw concrete or the elaborate functional layout are like a story of a complex human life. In this case, the architecture tells an engaging story.

photos: Paweł Mazur, Architecture photos –; Congregation of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ

source: The Congregation of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ(, Kraków Modernism Route

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