100 budynków
Kromera 4. Fot. Google Maps

PoWROTY tenement houses programme: Wrocław will renovate 100 buildings by 2029

Wrocław is embarking on an ambitious programme of renovation of municipal tenements called PoWROty kamienien. By 2029, 100 historic buildings and 70 courtyards are to be renovated. The investment aims to restore the splendour of the city’s architecture and improve the living conditions of its residents.

The first phase of the programme includes the renovation of 22 tenement houses located in various parts of the city, including the housing estates of Kleczków, Karłowice, Huby, Księże, Plac Grunwaldzki and Przedmieście Oławskie. The cost of this stage will be around PLN 51 million, of which PLN 3.5 million is earmarked for full design documentation. The renovations will cover a wide range of works, including thermo-modernisation, façade repairs, replacement of window and door joinery, insulation of roofs and ceilings over basements, as well as modernisation of electrical and ventilation systems. The project also involves tidying up the space around the buildings to create friendly and aesthetically pleasing spaces for residents.

One of the 100 buildings – Hubska 58 Photo author: Licho/photopolska.eu, License: CC-BY-SA 3.0

100 budynków

The choice of tenements for renovation was not accidental. Priority was given to buildings that are 100% owned by the city and listed in the Municipal Register of Historical Monuments. Most of them are more than 100 years old.
“In the first instance, we considered tenements that have already been connected to the district heating network or have a gas installation. Now the next step will be their thermo-modernisation, combined with other necessary works, including, for example, replacing the woodwork, electrical installations of the quarters,” says Monika Tendaj-Bielawska, president of Wrocławskie Mieszkania, which is the manager of these twenty-two buildings.

100 budynków
Kromera 4. Photo: Google Maps

Wrocław has one of the largest municipal resources in Poland, comprising around 30,000 flats in nearly 1,500 buildings. Most of these units are located in historic tenements, which accounts for both their historical value and the challenges of maintaining and modernising them. Over the past five years, Wrocław has renovated 44 tenements. An example of a successful renovation is the tenement on Biskupa Tomasza Street in Nadodrze, which was awarded in the national competition ‘Modernisation of the Year and Construction of the 21st Century’.

The Biskupa Tomasza 8 tenement house before and after renovation. Photo: wroclaw.pl

The PoWROTY tenement programme is only the beginning of a wide-ranging urban revitalisation. Subsequent stages will include comprehensive renovations of entire quarters, such as Nadodrze, Leśnica or Brochów. The planned works include not only the renovation of buildings, but also the improvement of the surrounding infrastructure, including courtyards, greenery and pavements.

Source: wroclaw.pl

Read also: Architecture in Poland | Renovation | Monument | Wrocław | Architecture | Tenement | Metamorphosis

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