In the picturesque town of Conwy, on the north coast of Wales, stands Quay House, known as the smallest house in the UK. This distinctive red-painted property is just 3.05 metres long and 1.8 metres wide, making it one of the most original landmarks in the country. With its charming simplicity and unique tourist status, Quay House attracts numerous visitors who want to see this famous place for themselves.
Quay House was built in the 16th century and served a residential function for hundreds of years. The building was erected in a small gap between two rows of quay houses, just outside the town walls. In an era of housing shortage in Conwy, one enterprising builder realised that since the side walls and rear were already in place, only the front wall and roof were needed to create another house. Thus the smallest house in Britain was created.
The building in the early 20th century. Photo: Geograph Britain and Ireland
Its last occupant was fisherman Robert Jones. Eventually, in 1900, the local council declared the house uninhabitable, forcing Robert to move out. Shortly afterwards, the building was renovated and turned into a tourist attraction, which can still be visited today.
The house remains owned by descendants of Robert Jones and its history has been confirmed by the Guinness Book of World Records, which in the 1920s officially recognised Quay House as the smallest house in Britain. The property is just 3.05 metres long and 1.8 metres wide. Despite its small size, the property has two floors. On the ground floor there is a living room with a fireplace and a small cooking area, while a bedroom with an alcove for storage is located on the first floor. Due to the delicate nature of the structure, the first floor is not open to the public, but can be seen by climbing a ladder.
Britain’s smallest house is open to visitors from spring to autumn. A guide dressed in traditional Welsh costume often stands outside the entrance to talk about the history of the house and its former inhabitants. Inside there is a short exhibition where you can learn more about past life in this unique building.
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