rzeźba na pierwszym planie autorstwa Rolanda Kościołka, fot. Magdalena Dąbrowska

“Sculpture Garden” in front of the Olympic Centre in Warsaw. There are dozens of them!

From the fifth of June until the end of September 2024, the ‘Garden of Sculpture’ will be on display in Warsaw. The exhibition has been organised in front of the Olympic Centre building at Wybrzeże Gdyńskie 4. The curator of the exhibition is Weronika Kaźmierska.

The exhibition is organised by the Art in House Auction House and Art Gallery. “The Sculpture Garden” will be open from the fifth of June until 30 September. It is the largest exhibition of garden sculptures in Poland. The event is an attraction for collectors and art enthusiasts alike, but also for all residents who want to interact with the works in the space. The aim of the exhibition is to present large-format works by several dozen Polish sculptors in one of the most representative places in Warsaw – around the sculptures of Igor Mitoraj (‘Winged Icarus’) or Zbigniew Wojkowski (‘Wrestlers’), which are part of the permanent exhibition of the modern headquarters of the Polish Olympic Committee.

The gardens, a symbol of harmony between man and nature, fit perfectly into the context of the sculpture presentation. The various works, created by Polish artists, harmoniously coexist with the surrounding greenery, creating a unique atmosphere. This arrangement of space is intended to allow visitors to be transported into a world of unique forms, shapes and inspirations. By gathering so many objects close together, the Olympic Centre’s gardens could be one of the most visited places in the capital this summer.

Garden sculptures are an important element that make up the landscape. Their uniqueness comes not only from the form or material they are made of, but also in the way they blend into the surrounding landscape, adding an aesthetic and emotional dimension.

A number of artists have chosen to exhibit works relating to various sports. Jerzy Kędziora will show as many as three balancing sculptures, each depicting activity and movements full of precision. The author has turned his attention to circus sports, as his levitating sculptures include an acrobat and a gymnast. Monika Osiecka, on the other hand, presented life-size ballerinas cast in bronze, with alluring movements full of finesse.

There are more forms collected here. In reference to Constructivism, Wit Bogusławski made two monoliths, Jolanta Herma-Pasińska made à la architectural elements undergoing destruction, and Dorota Grześkiewicz made a dismembered pyramid. A substantial work of raw marble will be shown by Jacek Zwoniarski; the construction gives the impression of being fragile and unstable, but this was precisely the artist’s intention. Sculptors sometimes succeed in capturing organic and streamlined forms, the delightful effect of which can be seen in the works of Zbigniew Maleszewski, Zuzanna Grochowska, Marek and Barbara Moderau and Majid Jammoul.

Among the works, one can also see those that allude to the world of animals. One example is Children of the Sea and Wind, created by Alicja Sidorowicz. This steel, openwork structure, showing, as it were, a time-lapse shot of horses emerging from the water, gives the impression that the animal will actually move in a moment. In a completely different atmosphere, Wojciech Brewka will present his jolly piggy; the whole figure is covered with the artist’s characteristic colourful street-art spots. We will also see the ‘Żubr’ and ‘Foal’ by Anna Dębska, as well as the charming ‘Seal’ and stately ‘Stork’ by Anna Wszyndybył.

Jerzy Kędziora “Gymnastic with a sash”

The opening ceremony of the exhibition will take place on 5 June at 6pm at the Olympic Centre. It will be an opportunity to talk directly with the artists, learn about the history and inspiration behind the works. Three curatorial tours are also planned: on 27 June, 15 August and 26 September. Concurrent with the inauguration of the Sculpture Garden will be the opening of the Olympic Sky restaurant in the Olympic Centre. Some of the sculptures will be set up inside the restaurant.

The Sculpture Garden can be visited free of charge from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The exhibits on display will be available for purchase.

Artists participating in the exhibition: Bogusławski Wit, Brewka Wojciech, Chłodziński Sylwester, Dębska Anna, Gogol Urszula, Grochowska Zuzanna, Grześkiewicz Dorota, Grzybek Aleksander, Habza Urszula, Herma-Pasińska Jolanta, Jammoul Majid, Jesiotr-Krupińska Iwona, Karłowicz Magdalena, Kędziora Jerzy, Koclęga Tomasz, Kołodziejski Krzysztof, Kościółek Roland, Kowalski Dariusz, Kozłowski Mieczysław, Krzpiet Tomasz, Lorek Barbara, Maleszewski Zbigniew, Markowski Bogdan, Moderau Barbara, Moderau Marek, Opała Jacek, Osiecka Monika, Pastuszka-Kowalska Teresa, Pawłowski Krzysztof, Pielaszek Kacper, Prokop-Miśniakiewicz Olga, Renes Krzysztof, Rubaszewski Paweł, Sidorowicz Alicja, Wątróbska-Wdowiarska Anna, Wszyndybył Anna, Zwoniarski Jacek, Zyga Marek.

source: the Art in House Auction House and Art Gallery

Read also: Sculpture | Art | Curiosities | Warsaw | Sports | Art | whiteMAD on Instagram

Art can also be seen in the Olympic Sky restaurant, which is located inside the building: