The end of the construction of the ‘iron’ in Łódź. This is how NEW IRON looks like

The new building is located on Struga Street. NEW IRON is a residential building, its design was created by REFORM Architekt. It is referred to as an ‘iron’ because of its distinctive shape. The name comes from the 1902 Fuller Building in New York, which was one of the tallest buildings in the city and was built on a narrow corner plot. Over the years, the townhouse came to be referred to as the Flatiron Building.

The Lodz ‘iron’ tightly filled the space created by the bifurcation of Struga Street. The corner plot was difficult to develop and for years no one undertook to develop it. This has now changed.

A distinctive feature of NEW IRON is the rounded corner, which offers a view of the Old Town. The corner is supported by a circular column and, on the ground floor, forms an arcade where the main entrance is located. With its slight deviation from the axis of the intersection, the corner exudes a fluidity of movement and invites people to follow along its front wall. The building is bordered to the north and south by Struga Street and to the west by the neighbouring residential building. Its location makes it a dominant feature in this part of the city.

Construction began in 2022 and was completed in June 2024. The building’s construction is based on reinforced concrete technology, which ensures stability and durability. The process involves the use of steel bars bent according to design, then filled with concrete in wooden formwork. This method creates the foundations and structural elements such as columns. The use of reinforced concrete allowed for impressive glazing and extensive open spaces, characteristic of modern architecture.


On the ground floor, an entrance hall was created for the residential areas and service units. The ground floor of the building, where the service units and the entrance hall to the residential parts are located, is mostly glazed, which visually extends the arcade. To ensure the comfort of future residents, part of the walls of the north and south floors above the ground floor have been set back, creating comfortable terraces. Cornices and vertical decorative elements emphasise the two-tier façade of the building, extending slightly beyond the building lines, as agreed with the Roads and Transport Authority.

The building features a multi-layered façade, with premium materials such as quartz sinter and Alucobond used for the finish. The final stage of construction was the interior finishing, which took up the last few months of the project. Stone floors and sintered wall cladding were installed in the entrance area and corridors. Particular attention was paid to detail and the interiors of the flats were carefully finished.

Inside, 37 flats have been created, the largest of which are duplexes.

The founder of the REFORM Architekt studio is Marcin Tomaszewski. We recently conducted an interview with the architect, you can read the entire conversation by clicking HERE.

source: REFORM Architekt

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