The new wing of the Krongold townhouse in a classic version. This is what it could look like

Wolf Krongold’s pre-war tenement in Warsaw has regained its former glory in mid-2022. The building customarily referred to as “Pekin”, which in Warsaw dialect is a term for an overcrowded tenement house, had been deteriorating for many years until it was finally abandoned and in decline. In 2019, a major redevelopment has finally begun. A new wing was added on the side of Zelazna Street, the form of which significantly deviates from the character of the reconstructed, richly decorated facade of the tenement. The Classical Architecture office decided to present its own proposal for the appearance of the new building.

The architects decided to replace the rather simple and out-of-character contemporary façade with another version that would have the characteristics of a typical turn-of-the-century tenement house. In their opinion, the most appropriate move would be to adopt a simplified classical convention – such as the one we know from the recently renovated house on the corner of Solec and Dobra streets. The proposed façade harmonises much better with the lavish frontage of the Krongold tenement house and relates to the former tenement housing in the area.

“Such developments arouse widespread interest and this obviously translates into prices per square metre. In our opinion, this is not so much due to the historical value of this development as to its visual appeal. Given that it is not uncommon for contemporary classical architecture to be completed at a cost similar to neo-modern developments, the question arises: when will the development industry react to this in a logical manner?” – write the architects at Architektura Klasyczna.

The new wing of the Krongold tenement – current state and proposal

Wolf Krongold’s tenement before and at the end of the renovation. Photo: and whiteMAD/Mateusz Markowski

Nowadays, architects very rarely use classical forms and solutions in their designs, as a result of which the streets of Polish cities are losing their character and identity. Żelazna Street and its surroundings were lined with tenement houses with richly decorated facades before World War II, of which only a handful have survived to this day. Perhaps it would be worth trying to restore the lost atmosphere of this place?

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Source: design studio Architektura Klasyczna

Read also: Architecture | Tenement | City | Warsaw | Architecture in Poland