Viewing tower on Rogowska Hill in Łódź. Here are the projects!

The viewing tower on Górka Rogowska in Łódź is a project that was submitted and selected by Łódź residents as part of the city’s civic budget. The new tourist attraction is intended to encourage Łódź residents to be more active outdoors, as well as to improve the aesthetics and functionality of the Rogowska Hill, which used to be literally a mountain of rubbish but is now a popular recreational area.

Viewing tower on Górka Rogowska – three projects

The new viewing tower in Łódź will be built in the shape that the citizens of Łódź want. Three aesthetically and functionally different designs have been created as part of the investment, from which residents will be able to choose their favourite. The construction of the viewing platform will create an ideal place to admire the panorama of Łódź, which will be a perfect stop during bicycle trips or lazy walks. An information board will be erected next to the tower, with descriptions of the most important buildings and natural attractions in Łódź seen from here (with good visibility, it will be possible to see almost the whole of Łódź!). Due to its location on the border of the forest, away from the city lights, it will also be possible to observe the night sky here.

Project of the viewing tower on Górka Rogowska – vote

Out of the three proposed projects, residents can decide by voting which project will be implemented. Details of the vote are to be presented on the social media profile of the City of Lodz. The link to the profile is HERE.

Which project do you think is the most interesting? Let us know in our poll:

Który projekt wieży widokowej na Górce Rogowskiej jest Twoim zdaniem najlepszy?

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source: UM Łódź /

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