On 7 September this year, the Institute of Industrial Design hosted the grand finale of the Great Bee Exhibition by Diana Dyba. The event brought together more than 80 artists who presented their unusual interpretations of the theme of wild bees
During the exhibition, we had the opportunity to admire a variety of works that showed the bee as a source of inspiration. Works by artists such as Pola Dwurnik, Aleksandra Waliszewska, Natalia Olbiński, Bartek Kiełbowicz, Martyna Czech, Róża Puzynowska, Judyta Jang, Magdalena Dziejma, Magdalena Hyla and Anna Batkiewicz delighted all those present. Works by many of the artists will soon be auctioned on the Allegro Charity platform, with 100% of the proceeds going to support wild bees
The auctions have just started. The works can be found on Allegro HERE.
In addition, products from renowned brands that have joined the campaign as patrons of the bees were presented. Jedwab Polski Milanówek presented silk scarves designed by Magdalena Pankiewicz, while Fabryka Porcelany Ćmielów surprised with a collection of porcelain with a bee image by Zuza Miśko. The Culinary Loft delighted with sweets and textiles designed by Pola Dwurnik, Haha for Kids presented a charming cotton T-shirt with a bee by Nina Peret, the Hi little brand showed a greeting card designed by Kasia Gala, and the Bynamesakke brand stood out with a cotton T-shirt with a design by Natalia Olbinski
Unusually, a portion of the profits from the sale of these products will be donated to support wild bees through the ‘Let’s Do It Together for Bees’ project and the Creative Initiatives Factory Foundation
Among the invited guests, we had the pleasure of meeting Professor Stanislaw Brach, Katarzyna Puczyłowska from the Institute of Industrial Design, and actress and ambassador of the “Let’s do it together for the Bees” campaign – Marta Chodorowska. In addition, other artists also attended in large numbers, including Adrianna Zdziarska, Wiktor Stribog, Aleksandra Łysiak and many others
The entire event was professionally hosted by Diana Dyba, the author of the ‘Let’s do it together for the Bees’ project and producer of the Great Bee Exhibition
The Great Bee Exhibition could take place thanks to the generosity of the event’s partners: Wytwórnia Inicjatyw Twórczych Foundation, Power Hyb and the co-organiser, the Institute of Industrial Design
Refreshments during the finale were provided by the Loft Culinary brand, serving honey gingerbread, florentines, honey and butter babka. In addition, the Orchard Brothers brand provided refreshing apple juices
Many thanks to everyone who took part in this special event and supports our wild bees!
The Great Bee Show continues online at organiser Diana Dyba’s website – jestemwlesie.pl where you can view all the works, adopt a bee of your choice and learn many facts about wild bees
source: press materials
Read also: Exhibition | Animals | Graphics | Art | Curiosities | whiteMAD on Instagram