How to develop the Free Railway Line in Poznań? One idea is an ecological district

Wolne Tory is an area of approximately 117 hectares located between the districts of Wilda and Lazarus in Poznań. Today, the area is occupied by railway infrastructure. The city has been discussing for years how to use this attractively located area. We are publishing one of the proposals. What do you think of it? We have included a poll below.

Jacek Łuczak, an architect and creator of AI in architecture, graduate of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the University of Arts in Poznań, presented his concept for the development of Wolne Tory in Poznań. He prepared his concept with the support of artificial intelligence, to which he indicated specific criteria. What effect did he want to achieve?

The architect’s plan is to make use of the Free Track and build a New Technology Eco-District there. The district would become a business incubator and enable new technology companies to operate. Communication of the new district would be based on rail transport, both urban and intercity. A high-speed railway line connecting Poznań with the largest cities in Poland would run here.

Importantly, the new district would be zero-emission and the planned high-rise buildings would necessarily have a lot of greenery. Shrubs and trees are also to grow densely along the streets. The architect proposes a linear development with mixed functionality. In addition to office and residential buildings, he envisages the construction of educational and sports facilities. This will be complemented by cafés, restaurants, shops and services. He also proposes to apply similar solutions in other cities in Poland. A few days ago, we showed his concept for the development of the cross-city line in Warsaw (read HERE).


In the plans of the city of Poznań for the time being, Wolne Tory remains a loose concept, which assumes the creation of an inner-city district here in the future. Residential and commercial development is to dominate here. However, there are no concrete decisions to start realising the investment.

Podoba ci się taka wizja zabudowy Wolnych Torów w Poznaniu?

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source: Jacek Łuczak

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