The results of the Maria Dokowicz competition for the Best Master’s Diploma at the University of Arts in Poznań have been announced.The authors of art and design diplomas created at the university in the academic year 2022/23 were honoured. The editors of the whiteMAD magazine also awarded their prize
The results were announced on Monday 13 November during a gala in Pavilion 11 – the spire of the Poznań International Fair. The motto of this year’s competition is ‘Anticipation of Art’. This is a term derived from the Latin, Anticipo means ‘to precede’, ‘to take in advance’. Does emerging art precede, or perhaps anticipate, reality? Or does it seek to chase it and replicate it? The curatorial text states that ‘creative anticipation refers to transcendental, utopian visions of a universal nature’ and that ‘art thus participates in the creation of a future vision of reality’. The organisers of the event firmly believe that this is the case
The works submitted to the 43rd edition of the competition can be viewed as part of the exhibition. The works have been divided into the categories ARTISTIC DAY and PROJECT DAY. In the former, we will find projects by Gabi Skrzypczak, Jakub Rudzik, Ksenia Pyza, Ireneusz Pachliński, Jakub Kanarek, Mateusz Janik, Wiktoria Namyslik, Monika Szczygieł, Alicja Jóźwiak, Jagoda Kalisz, Natalia Żychlińska, Julia Woronowicz, Katsiaryna Kardash and Agata Zych. In turn, works in the PROJECT DAY were prepared by Hanna Kossakowska, Marta Jerzmanowska, Monika Kaźmierska and Tomasz Agaciński, Aleksandra Matusiak-Kaseja, Gabriela Patro, Natalia Szreder, Mariusz Śmietana, Weronika Sabok-Rzepka, Wiktoria Bilska, Daria Gałkowska, Patrizia Ende and Tomasz Agaciński
Prizes in the 43rd edition of the competition were awarded to
GRAND PRIX in the field of design
For MARIUSZ ŚMIETANA for his work entitled Joining forces with the sun. Using solar energy to improve the well-being of man and the planet, prepared at the Faculty of Architecture and Design under the supervision of Łukasz Stawarski,Ph
GRAND PRIX in the artistic field
For MONIKA SZCZYGIEŁ for the thesis entitled Digital Avoidance Practices of Painting prepared at the Faculty of Painting and Drawing under the supervision of Prof. Janusz Marciniak , Ph
UAP Rector’s Special Award in the field of design
For HANNA KOSSAKOWSKA for the work entitled SATI – conscious presence. Design of objects using the influence of vibration and rhythm on human well-being prepared at the Faculty of Architecture and Design under the supervision of Prof. Marzena Wolińska, Ph
Special Prize of the UAP Rector in the 43rd edition of the Maria Dokowicz Competition in the artistic field
For NATALIA ŻYCHLIŃSKA for the work entitled ZACHEM – rise and fall ,prepared at the Faculty of Graphic Arts and Visual Communication under the supervision ofProf. Andrzej Bobrowski , PhD
Special Prize of the President of the City of Poznań
For JULIA WORONOWICZ for her work entitled WILD TEXTILE prepared at the Faculty of Animation and Intermedia under the supervision ofProfessor Piotr Bosacki, PhD UAP
Special Prize of the New University of Arts Foundation in Poznań
For WERONIKA SABOK-RZEPKA for her work entitled Tomorrow Stays. Project of a housing unit for temporary workers and migrant families prepared at the Faculty of Architecture and Design under the supervision of dr. inż. arch. Tomasz Piwiński, ad
Special Prize of the Poznań City Development Foundation Waldemar Idzikowski Monetary Award
For IRENEUSZ PACHLIŃSKI for the thesis titled RZEŹBYKON – Portrait Sculpture in the Context of Unconventional Decisions prepared at the Faculty of Sculpture under the supervision of dr hab. Igor Mikoda, prof. UAP
DESA UNICUM Special Award
For KSENA PYZA for her work entitled …the body in art. On the body sensing the space of a work of art,prepared at the Faculty of Sculpture under the direction ofProf. Dr. Janusz Bałdyga
For MARIUS ŚMIETZ for his work entitled …the body in art, on the body in art, prepared by the Faculty of Sculpture under the direction of Prof. Dr. Janusz Bałdyga _ Special Prize Porsche Centrum Poznań another Special Prize IKS / in the design field and another Special Prize TENTE Sp. z o.o. and another Special Prize Notes na 6 tygodni in the design field
For MARIUSZ ŚMIETANA for his work entitled Joining forces with the sun. Using solar energy to improve the well-being of man and the planet, prepared at the Faculty of Architecture and Design under the supervision of Dr. Łukasz Stawarski, Professor UAP
Special Prize ofSOLAR Company S.A. and another Special Prize of Notes for 6 Weeks in the artistic field
For JULIA WORONOWICZ for her work titled Wilderness Tapestry prepared at the Faculty of Animation and Intermedia under the supervision of dr. hab.Piotr Bosacki, prof. UAP
Distinction fromSOLAR Company S.A. and another Special Award from Contemporary Lynx in the artistic field and another Special Award from Forner Sp. z o.o.
For AGATA ZYCH for her work entitled Wander of Light prepared at the Faculty of Animation and Intermedia under the supervision of Prof. Jacek Adamczak, PhD
Special Prize UWI Inwestycje S.A. and Griltex Polska Sp. z o.o .
For WIKTORIA BILSKA for her thesis entitled Silver tsunami – wave of horror or new opportunities. Holistic Diagnosis and Design Solution for Attractive Living of the Elderly – Redefinition of a Senior Citizen Home ,prepared at the Faculty of Architecture and Design under the direction of Dr. hab. inż. arch. Stanisław Sipiński, prof. UAP
Architecture & Business Special Award
For NATALIA ŻYCHLIŃSKA for the thesis entitled ZACHEM – the rise and fall of ZACHEM prepared at the Faculty of Graphic Arts and Visual Communication under the supervision ofProf. Andrzej Bobrowski , Ph
Special Award Contemporary Lynx in the field of design
For Ms HANNA KOSSAKOWSKA for her work entitled SATI – conscious presence. Design of objects using the influence of vibration and rhythm on human well-being prepared at the Faculty of Architecture and Design under the supervision of Prof. Dr. hab. Marzena Wolińska
IKS / Special Award in the artistic field
For MONIKA SZCZYGIEŁ for her thesis titled Digital Avoidance Practices of Painting prepared at the Faculty of Painting and Drawing under the supervision of Prof. Janusz Marciniak , PhD
WhiteMAD Special Prize – two separate diplomas, same title
For MONIKA KAŹMIERSKA and TOMASZ AGACIŃSKI for the work entitled In the Ground of Things prepared at the Faculty of Architecture and Design under the supervision of Prof.Mateusz Wróblewski, Ph.D. UAP
The project honoured by the editors of whiteMAD will be described in detail in the 21st issue of the magazine, scheduled to be published in the first quarter of 2024
source: University of Arts in Poznań
Read also: Poznań | Education | Polish designers | Interiors | Curiosities | Detail | whiteMAD on Instagram
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