The city will subsidise the renovation of Poznań monuments. Thanks to grants of PLN 1.3 million, 11 buildings will regain their former splendour, which will undergo conservation, restoration and construction works, including Art Nouveau townhouses in Łazarz and Jeżyce. Their selection was decided by city councillors. All buildings are listed in the register of monuments and are located in Poznań, but are not owned by the City.
“Thanks to the grants, we contribute to the protection and preservation of our cultural heritage. This year, an amount of PLN 1.3 million has been guaranteed for this purpose. 27 applications were submitted. We recommended 11 for implementation. When assessing the documents, we analysed the rank of the objects, the state of preservation and the possible threat posed by a lack of restoration. It was also important whether there was, for example, a continuation of work on the building in question, as well as the amount of other funding obtained by the investors,” says Joanna Bielawska-Pałczyńska, who is responsible for the project – says Joanna Bielawska-Pałczyńska, Municipal Conservator of Monuments.
Thanks to a grant of PLN 200,000, it will be possible to carry out further work on the tenement at the corner of ul. Roosevelta and Zacisze streets. The building belongs to an Art Nouveau complex of buildings erected after 1905 in Jeżyce. This time, its side elevation will be restored to its former glory. Two Art Nouveau buildings in Lazarus will also be restored to their former glory. A grant of PLN 135,000 will subsidise conservation and restoration work on one of the façades of the building at the corner of Matejki and Grottgera streets. In turn, a grant of PLN 70.1k will make it possible to carry out restoration work on the richly decorated front staircase of a building at 22 Chełmońskiego Street.
Three grants of PLN 50,000 each will make it possible to continue the renovation of the original window frames in the tenement house at 27/29 Mielżyńskiego Street, where the seat of the Poznań Society of Friends of Science is located, in the Jewish Religious Community building at 10 Stawna Street, as well as in the tenement house at 7/8 and 9 Woźna Street. Thanks to a grant of PLN 125,000, work will also continue in the tenement house at 22 Wodna Street, where the roof will be repaired. The lowest subsidy this year, in the amount of PLN 4.9 thousand, will allow the entrance door in the historic tenement house at 15 Wyspiańskiego Street, which underwent comprehensive conservation works thanks to municipal support in 2023, to regain its shine.
The group of buildings to which the funding will go are also the most important religious monuments. pLN 290,000 will help to carry out conservation work on monuments in the church on Franciszkańska Street. This includes the renovation of the most valuable object, i.e. the Baroque altar of Our Lady of the Miraculous Wands, in which the original rotating mechanism enabling the change of the position of columns and paintings will be renovated. A grant of PLN 250,000 will enable the continuation of conservation repairs (south façade of the nave) to the church in Garbary Street, carried out with the city’s support since 2015. In turn, PLN 75,000 will support renovation work on the dome of the Church of the Discalced Carmelites of St Joseph in Działowa Street.
Photo: Poznań City Hall
Read also: Poznań | Tenement | Monument | Metamorphosis | whiteMAD on Instagram
Subject: The city will subsidise the renovation of Poznań’s monuments. Among others, Art Nouveau townhouses will regain their splendour