The Institute of Industrial Design has been promoting representatives of good design for years, supporting the development of the Polish design industry at home and abroad. One of its most important initiatives is the Good Design Competition. This year’s jubilee edition sees the debut of a new category – Food Design.
Products and services available on the Polish market are admitted to the competition. After initial qualification, they undergo a two-stage assessment. This is an excellent opportunity to present their concepts to a professional, interdisciplinary jury, which will assess the innovativeness, aesthetics, functionality and quality of the implemented solutions. The Jury includes IWP experts, renowned designers and representatives of economic institutions
The difficulties of the last few years have also affected the design industry, becoming a time of numerous challenges and intensive civilisational changes. Trying to meet the demands of the modern world, designers began to create new, functional solutions adapted to the needs of today’s society on a mass scale
Following the path of constant development of the design industry, the Institute has improved the competition formula. This year, 14 categories can be entered, including a brand new one: Food Design
The main prize in the competition is the widely recognised Good Design label. The idea behind this prestigious award is to promote good and innovative design that shapes the Polish market and promotes the best design, both among experts in the industry and among users and potential customers
Once again, IWP is also accepting applications under the ‘Lucky Thirteen’ category “This is a special category created for budding creators and young manufacturers who have not yet put their products into mass production
Good Design is a story in itself with a 30-year tradition. This year, the Institute is celebrating the competition’s round anniversary. Over the years, the title awarded by the Institute of Industrial Design has been received by Pesa, Omnires, Lesovik, Kler, Tołpa or the Warsaw University of Technology, among others. These are just a few of the award-winners who can boast of an amazing craftsmanship representing design at the highest level
The finalist designs will be presented at the annual post-competition exhibition at the headquarters of the Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw. As every year, there will also be a catalogue of Good Design 2023 winners, which is an additional source of promotion for the awarded products and services
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Good Design, the post-competition exhibition will be accompanied by a retrospective exhibition. Applications for the competition are accepted until 31 August 2023 via the competition form available at: The award ceremony will take place on 27 October 2023 at the IWP headquarters at 5/7 Świętojerska Street in Warsaw
source: press materials
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