Kamienica przy ul. Wschodniej 45 w Łodzi znów cieszy oko.

The tenement house at 45 East Street in Łódź is once again pleasing to the eye.

The tenement house at 45 Wschodnia Street is another of the many townhouses that have undergone major renovations in recent years. For years, the majestic next door in the city centre has been haunted by its cracked façade, broken windows and nets protecting the devastated cornices and façade ornaments.

The tenement at 45 East Street has been extensively renovated and connected to central heating. The flats have been fitted with kitchens or kitchenettes. Bathrooms have baths or showers, a toilet and a complete set of faucets. A new walkway has also been created at 45 Wschodnia Street, which leads straight onto Piotrkowska Street. This is great news, because by creating passages of this kind, the city becomes even more alive and the additional space becomes a city-forming element

“The installations – electricity, water and gas – have been thoroughly renovated. A new feature for residents and users will be access to a fibre-optic network, and for birds – nesting boxes installed in specially designed places,” says Olga Kassyanska – says Olga Kassyanska of the Municipal Investment Board


The final work remains to be done. Workers can be seen in the gate clearance and in some of the flats. Planting is also underway – trees, shrubs and lawns are appearing in the courtyard. The tenement houses a total of 48 council flats, 1 sheltered flat, 12 commercial premises for rent and 4 creative studios

It is worth remembering that Łódź is changing beyond recognition. In recent years, dozens of tenements, streets, squares and passages have undergone revitalisation, renovation and modernisation, accompanied by investments in transport infrastructure, the like of which Łódź has never seen before in its history. We are keeping our fingers crossed as Łódź is a city with enormous potential, which was lost at some point. Now the city is saving what is left. And rightly so!

The project entitled ‘Area revitalisation of the City Centre of Łódź – an area of 7.5 hectares delimited by Wschodnia, Rewolucji 1905r., Kilińskiego, Jaracza streets together with frontages on the other side of the aforementioned streets’ is being implemented under a funding agreement no. UDA-RPLD.06.03.03-10-0002/17-00 concluded on 29 August 2017. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Regional Operational Programme of the Łódź Province for 2014-2020

Want to see how Łódź has changed in recent years? You can find our articles about the city by clicking HERE

source: UM Łódź / https://lodz.pl/

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