International Biennale of Interior Design launched

The Faculty of Interior Design at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków is organising a new, already the eighth edition of the event. The International Interior Design Biennale is aimed at both beginners and experienced architects.

The International Interior Design Biennial is organised to build general awareness of the understanding of interior design and the value of competences possessed by graduates of the Faculty of Interior Design. The biennial is an area of communication – an exchange of knowledge, views and experiences that are seen/experienced/heard, analysed and remembered. It is a common space for interior designers, academics, students and industry representatives; a metaphorical bridge between the art of interior design and the people who create and experience it.

8. The International Biennale of Interior Architecture, whose motto is ‘Common Space’, will take place in April 2024 in the Malopolska Garden of Art in Krakow and in the new premises of the interior design and graphic design departments of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow at 21 Syrokomla St. The Biennale consists of 4 parts: Competition for Students, Competition for Professionals, Open Call exhibition for a work in space and International Scientific Conference.

Common Space is a shared, collective space, shared by groups, a group or a couple of people. It is used in different ways, depending on the individual abilities, knowledge and current needs of the users. It can be a place for meeting, relaxation, recreation, respite, an avenue for maintaining interpersonal contacts, allowing for casual glances and fleeting exchanges of pleasantries, but it can also become a refuge for the loner, a hiding place for the introvert, a haven for the shy observing social life from hiding. So, should a communal space force people to interact with each other, or should it also enable people to experience it alone?

Common Space is a common space, universal, accessible to all. It does not exclude anyone, it does not put up barriers, it does not close doors. It benefits everyone by promoting equal and equitable access. It is intuitive to perceive and use, but its experience depends on personal predisposition. Everyone will look at it differently – from a different height, from a different angle – associate it with something different, smell a different scent, hear different sounds, and build it up within themselves from a combination of these impressions and images in constant motion. Similarly, every artist understands the concept of universality differently, and is able to achieve it by different means. So can universal space be unique?

8. International academic conference

An international scientific conference will be held on 11-12.04.2024 within the framework of the 8th International Biennale of Interior Architecture organised by the Faculty of Interior Design of the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. Participants will deliver papers in a stationary format in the Malopolska Garden of Art in Krakow with simultaneous online streaming.

The main theme of the conference is the theme of this year’s edition of the Biennale, referring to the new joint headquarters of the Faculties of Interior Design and Graphic Design of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. The organisers propose to reflect on the issue of ‘Common Space’, which can be understood (without excluding other approaches) as common, collective, universal, accessible, commonplace, common, simple, ordinary, general space; real, tangible, audible, visible, designed or existing in the world of ideas.


The organisers invite you to submit abstracts containing your own interpretation of the theme, relating to design, art, science, nature, technology; space, image, sound, human relations, and more. We are open to scientific as well as professional approaches to the theme, based on real space – realised by design, experienced or observed, or existing as an idea, a project, a germinating idea.

The organisers guarantee publication of the papers delivered in a post-conference multi-author monograph (peer-reviewed, scored), provided that the full text prepared in accordance with the guidelines is sent in ter min.


Applications to the following email address:

by 15 March 2024 – Submission of declarations of participation in the conference and materials for promotional purposes

until 31 July 2024 – submission of articles prepared in accordance with the guidelines

Common Space | 2nd edition of the Competition for Professionals

The “Common Space” Competition for Professionals, organised within the framework of the 8th International Biennale of Interior Architecture, aims to identify the best visually, functionally, technologically and substantively realised interior projects from 2019 to 2023 in two categories: residential interior and public interior. The competition invites interior architects who are professionally involved in design and have a university degree appropriate to the profession.

An important aspect of the competition is to emphasise the role of the interior architect in shaping the living environment in both private and public areas, paying attention to the impact of designed interiors on the well-being of their inhabitants, coherent ideas and original design solutions taking into account the context of the place and the user, based on sustainable design and functional, technological and material solutions in line with contemporary knowledge, science and technology.

The competition runs from 15 January to 12 April 2024. The deadline for submitting digital competition entries to is 27 March 2024.

Common Space – LAB | 2nd Open Call for work in space

The programme idea of the 8th International Biennale of Interior Architecture is the starting point for considerations accompanying the realisation of the work within the competition. Permissible forms: spatial work, artistic installation, action in space, performance, video installation. It is up to you to decide whether your work will be an interpretation of the slogan “Common Space” or whether it will be an authorial manifesto in the common space of the gallery in the Malopolska Garden of Art in Krakow.

The aim of the Open Call is to select spatial/artistic concepts (video installation) that are an expression of an individual approach to design art and bring a new perspective to the idea of “Common Space” or have the potential to co-create the common space of the exhibition.


Stage I: submission of reproductions of works or designs of works in electronic version to: – from 22 January to 1 March 2024,

Stage II: submission of original works and realised works projects to the Open Call Organiser – from 10-30 March 2024.

Common Space – Spacescape / Spacexperience / Spacexperiment | 8th edition of the Student Competition

The subject of the 8th international student competition 2024 is the design (interior) of the courtyard of the newly opened premises of the Faculties of Interior Design and Graphics of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow at 21 Syrokomla Street.

The task of the competition is to find a new design answer to the definition of space that is communal, accompanying, opening up to new functions that will support the building of relationships between people based on art – being its creator and recipient. The main users of the designed space should be the students and staff of these departments. The design should provide safe communication between buildings, access to the aggregate and include a fire/evacuation route.

The building at 21 Syrokomla Street in Kraków was built between 1913 and 1921 to a design by architect Jan Zawiejski. During and just after the First World War it served as a self-contained asylum for victims. Only a few years later it was finished, becoming a vocational school for girls. Until 2012, the building was the headquarters of the Clothing School Complex No. 1 in Kraków. Three years later it became the property of the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. From the academic year 2023/2024, after extensive renovation and adaptation to the needs of new users, the building became the seat of the Faculty of Interior Design and the Faculty of Graphics of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków.

The courtyard space at 21 Syrokomli Street is shared (common space). It is shared by the two faculties of the Academy of Fine Arts – the Faculty of Graphic Arts and the Faculty of Interior Design – disciplines that rule over 2d and 3d space. The left wing of the building is assigned to the Faculty of Interior Design, the right wing to the Faculty of Graphic Design.

The competition task is:
– a challenge to escape (spacescape) from standard definitions, templates and mental shortcuts, cognitive schemes that we take for granted, unreflectively approaching design;
– an attempt to discover an untrodden path (spacexperiment), to find a shortcut, a leap into a future undefined by artificial intelligence, capable of generating only artificial solutions to actual design problems;
– to create a project that consists of re-building intimacy, the relationship between man and man, without the mediation of virtual prostheses. The space of this courtyard wants to be close to people, wants to let itself be experienced (spacexperience).


Duration of the competition: 30.11.2023-12.04.2024

Enter the competition by 22.03.2024 at:

Delivery of competition entries: until 27.03.2024 at 12.00 p.m

11 April 2024 | 18:00
courtyard at Syrokomli St. 21
Competition for students | vernissage

12 April 2024 | 6 p.m
Malopolska Garden of Art in Krakow
Competition forProfessionals | vernissage
Open call for artwork in space | vernissage

11-12 April 2024
Malopolska Garden of Art in Krakow
International scientific conference

Organised by: Faculty of Interior Design of the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków
prof. dr hab. Marek Błażucki / dean WAW
dr hab. Łukasz Sarnat prof. at the Academy of Fine Arts / WAW vice-dean / curator
dr Joanna Łapińska / curator

More information about the event and all materials related to the 8th International Interior Design Biennale (including regulations and application forms) are available at The whiteMAD magazine is a media patron of the event.

source: press materials

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