1958, Wnętrze Sali Kongresowej - zdjęcie (skan) pochodzi z albumu "Warszawa 1960" wyd. Arkady

The Congress Hall is getting an upgrade. Work will start later this year

After nine years, it’s finally done! The tender for the comprehensive modernisation of the auditorium in the Palace of Culture and Science, known as the Congress Hall, has just been awarded. The investment, worth more than PLN 393 million, will be carried out by a consortium of Adamietz Warszawa Sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw (leader) and Adamietz Sp. z o.o. based in Strzelce Opolskie (partner), and the first renovation work will begin later this year

Multifunctional, accessible and with modern facilities – this is what the Congress Hall at the Palace of Culture and Science will soon be like. Thanks to this investment, successive generations of Varsovians will be able to attend concerts, performances and other unforgettable events. The works will include a comprehensive modernisation of the hall together with technical, sanitary, conference and catering facilities. The latest generation of electro-acoustic infrastructure will be installed. The entire venue will be adapted to comply with current fire and sanitary regulations. It will also be rebuilt to meet the needs of people with disabilities – all in accordance with the conservation officer’s guidelines

PKiN – The Hall in 2018. Photo by Adrian Grycuk, CC BY-SA 3.0 PL, via Wikimedia Commons

The modernisation of one of the most iconic auditoriums in Poland will allow the use of modern audiovisual technology equipment, stage mechanics and lighting, as well as the use of appropriate security systems. There are plans to install 2,600 new seats and many other pieces of equipment. The number of toilets will be increased, including those for people with disabilities. The scope of the modernisation works will additionally include lifts, attics and rooms at basement level. The historic, listed interiors will be enhanced with modern features. The new hall will make it possible to organise a variety of world-class events, including concerts, theatre and ballet performances, multimedia shows or conferences. The rooms adjacent to the auditorium (the backstage area) will be ideal for exhibitions and smaller multimedia events
The redevelopment is scheduled for completion at the turn of 2026/2027

Source: um.warszawa.pl

Read also: Architecture | Renovation | Interiors | Palace | Warsaw

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