The end of a major redevelopment. Wojska Polskiego Avenue in Szczecin opened

Wojska Polskiego Avenue in Szczecin is one of the city’s main streets. Since Monday, 28 August, drivers have been able to use it. A few days earlier, the reconstructed avenue was handed over to residents

The reconstructed avenue has changed its appearance and use is under new rules. It is now an attractive place to walk and the traffic has been calmed down. During the works, a new surface was laid, new pavements were built, and 173 parking spaces were created for cars, including six for electric cars and nine for people with disabilities

Importantly, not only new but also recycled materials were used during the construction work. Road-builders laid nearly 800 tonnes of stone paving blocks, which were obtained by dismantling the old road surface. The paving blocks were mechanically processed before being placed on the avenue. The top edges of the paving blocks were cut and the surface was levelled. Such recycled cubes were laid near the parking spaces at the Zgody Square roundabout and in the squares. Previously, the City of Szczecin had not used recycled stone materials on such a scale

Another curiosity is the exposure of the historic track bed, which was discovered during demolition work. A bus stop pillar has been erected right next to it, with a design reminiscent of the historic bus stops that existed in Szczecin before the Second World War. Michal Dębowski, who is the City Conservator of Monuments, was involved in making the track well exposed and setting up the symbolic stop in a historicised form

The avenue is a space to be used not only by motorists, but mainly by pedestrians and cyclists. New greenery has been planted to improve the comfort of movement – this includes 154 new trees (plantains, magnolias and birches) and almost twenty thousand shrubs

What will change for drivers? The avenue has a new traffic organisation. On the section from Zwycięstwa Square to Szarych Szeregów Square, drivers will be able to drive at 30 km/h


The whole is complemented by elements of small architecture. The reconstructed Wojska Polskiego Avenue in Szczecin has new benches and “bench seats”, which have been placed near the greenery

Children have gained their own space. A playground with infrastructure for the youngest has been created on Zgody Square. Here, children can use trampolines and an installation to play telephone games. There is also a new fountain on the avenue

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Although the avenue has now been opened to the public, the roadworkers still have the final touches of landscaping and greenery left to do. The reconstruction of the Avenue cost more than PLN 43 million. Its design was prepared by Pracownia Architektoniczna ARCHAID Jacek Szewczyk, and the work was carried out by MTM S.A. Construction and Road Company

source: Szczecin City Hall,

Read also: Szczecin | City | Urban planning | Places , Squares, Parks | Woonerf | whiteMAD on Instagram

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