Footbridge over the Warta River in Poznań delayed and redesigned

We wrote about this investment several years ago. It was originally planned that the footbridge over the Warta River in Poznań would be built by 2022. The foundations of the structure are now ready.

The conceptual design of the footbridge was announced as a result of a competition organised by the city. The winning proposal was prepared by a consortium of ARPA Architektoniczna Pracownia Jerzy Gurawskiego, SKI Studio Błażej Szurkowski, MS86A Maciej Sokolnicki Architekt and Adam Turczyn. The concept was the starting point for the final design of the crossing.

A few days ago, Poznańskie Inwestycje Miejskie published updated visualisations of the Berdychowskie bridges, prepared on the basis of the construction design, developed by the consortium of designers mentioned above, and on the basis of the detailed design, developed by Budimex S.A.

The new crossing will be designed for pedestrians and cyclists. It will connect Berdychowo, Ostrów Tumski and Chwaliszewo. Thanks to the construction, it will be possible to get from the Old Town to the vicinity of Lake Malta more quickly. What is new compared to the first assumptions is the traffic organisation – in the current version, pedestrian and cyclist traffic will be clearly separated. The investment is intended to make the areas along the Warta River in Poznań better connected to the city and make it easier for residents to relax by the river.

In recent weeks, most of the time has been spent on underground work. Concreting the diaphragm walls or reinforcing the foundation footing.

Recently, the contractor has been concentrating on earthworks and the construction of the foundations of the structures’ supports. The proper foundation of the crossing is crucial, the deepest section of the diaphragm wall being 25 metres long. The works were carried out with depth excavators weighing around 120 tonnes. The foundation work is already behind us, which means that construction elements for both bridges will soon be transported to the construction site, informs Tomasz Płóciniczak, vice-president of the company Poznanskie Inwestycje Miejskie.


We also got to know the traffic plan on the bridges. The city has decided to separate pedestrian and bicycle traffic. There will be benches on the bridges where people can sit to watch the river. The crossing is still to have the boulevard character resulting from the original concept that won the architectural competition.

In total, the footbridge over the Warta will consist of two bridges – over the Warta and over the Ulga Canal. The former will be 165 m long and the latter 117 m long. Both parts look the same, so that the whole structure will be visually coherent. During the works, existing pavements and cycle paths will be rebuilt. The bridges will connect to them.

source: Poznan City Investments

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